I am in a very happy-go-lucky mood right now.
I think it's the fact that there is no college for 3 and a half weeks.
Wow, I'm enthusiastic.
I am looking forward to going to southend with teh posse.
I am actually really excited :)
And we have a few gigs coming up, too!
Happy fucking times!
I have said fuck a lot in this post.
I don't usually swear this much in a blog.
I'm sorry, mum :(
Now, I am off to slay the mighty GOHMA in the Temple of Time.
In other words, I am going round Jack's house to play Zelda.
I'm wearing my triforce t-shirt just for the occassion. ^_^
And also coz the triforce is fucking awesome.
Wednesday, 31 March 2010
Sunday, 28 March 2010
Send me the pillow, the one that you dream on. And I'll send you mine...
This is going to be my own personal review on our gig at the 'All Saints' church.
The sound quality was appalling.
The church's PA system fucked up so we brought in ours. Was working fine until the band's bassist before us plugged in their bass into our PA and blew it!
So no-one could hear George.
My pedal broke halfway during our second song so that was pretty gay.
Luckily another drummer handed me another pedal. :)
That was everything bad really.
Now, onto the GOOD stuff.
The crowd.
Oh my god, the crowd.
The best people who are at gigs are obviously the fans.
But theses fans were on it.
To start, they started chanting 'DEEDS' before we walked on stage.
And I heard a few people chanting along to 'The Children's Playground' and 'There will be war'. Which is fucking awesome. x]
There was a wall of death apparently, but I couldn't see.
I saw a fucking HUGE circle pit. I'm not even hyping that up.
It was brixton standard's man.
Well, size wise. Just less people x]
And people were jumping up on stage in their undies and shit. It was CAH-RAY-ZAY.
The fans made the gig. So on behalf of all of 'Deeds of the Dying', cheers for going hard and making it a night to remember!
The sound quality was appalling.
The church's PA system fucked up so we brought in ours. Was working fine until the band's bassist before us plugged in their bass into our PA and blew it!
So no-one could hear George.
My pedal broke halfway during our second song so that was pretty gay.
Luckily another drummer handed me another pedal. :)
That was everything bad really.
Now, onto the GOOD stuff.
The crowd.
Oh my god, the crowd.
The best people who are at gigs are obviously the fans.
But theses fans were on it.
To start, they started chanting 'DEEDS' before we walked on stage.
And I heard a few people chanting along to 'The Children's Playground' and 'There will be war'. Which is fucking awesome. x]
There was a wall of death apparently, but I couldn't see.
I saw a fucking HUGE circle pit. I'm not even hyping that up.
It was brixton standard's man.
Well, size wise. Just less people x]
And people were jumping up on stage in their undies and shit. It was CAH-RAY-ZAY.
The fans made the gig. So on behalf of all of 'Deeds of the Dying', cheers for going hard and making it a night to remember!
Sweetness, I was only joking.
Okay, I'm obviously extremely disposable to you.
Someone like me can just fade out from your life.
Well done.
Not like we had memories and shit. Not like we were in love.
Eurgh.. >.>
Someone like me can just fade out from your life.
Well done.
Not like we had memories and shit. Not like we were in love.
Eurgh.. >.>
Friday, 26 March 2010
Will your smile still open my heart?
I'm in college at the moment so I'll keep this brief.
I'm pretty happy.
I'm coping well.
Stuff's going aight. College is improving. I'm enjoying the work more.
I feel more productive and positive. Which is always good!
I have my down moments, but hey.
Last night was pretty jokes.
My toe's is still a bit soggy. x]
Not really, but it's so funny when you actually think about it.
Like thinking about what happened then was like really... bizarre.
But it was pretty funny.
I'm glad Shaunie, Gill and Petch appreciated us going out of our way to make sure they got back alright.
Only took me and Luke about forty minutes to get home.
Slept like a fucking baby I can safely say.
I think that's my good deed for the week :)
Speaking of deeds! Tomorrow 'Deeds of the Dying' are playing 'All Saints Church' in Barnet. I'm more looking forward to actually sitting down and playing than the atmosphere or whatever.
I miss playing the drums. >.>
My final thought; 'Pink Maggit' by Deftones is the fucking sexiest song ever for me at this point in time. Go listen to it. Mortals.
I'm pretty happy.
I'm coping well.
Stuff's going aight. College is improving. I'm enjoying the work more.
I feel more productive and positive. Which is always good!
I have my down moments, but hey.
Last night was pretty jokes.
My toe's is still a bit soggy. x]
Not really, but it's so funny when you actually think about it.
Like thinking about what happened then was like really... bizarre.
But it was pretty funny.
I'm glad Shaunie, Gill and Petch appreciated us going out of our way to make sure they got back alright.
Only took me and Luke about forty minutes to get home.
Slept like a fucking baby I can safely say.
I think that's my good deed for the week :)
Speaking of deeds! Tomorrow 'Deeds of the Dying' are playing 'All Saints Church' in Barnet. I'm more looking forward to actually sitting down and playing than the atmosphere or whatever.
I miss playing the drums. >.>
My final thought; 'Pink Maggit' by Deftones is the fucking sexiest song ever for me at this point in time. Go listen to it. Mortals.
Tuesday, 23 March 2010
Your hollow gaze has shifted past my eyes.
I actually am so grateful for my friends. Honestly, I would actually be so morbid and depressed all the time if I didn't have them.
Just being with them makes me happy.
It just goes to show that I have actually matured.
Like, before, I would be dependant on a relationship to make me truly happy. Don't get me wrong, I love being in a relationship. All the lovey dovey stuff makes me feel wanted and special for once.
I realise I can have this feeling with my friends. Minus the lovey stuff.
That's all I need at the moment.
Gonna wait a while I think.
Just have fun. Be girly with the girls. Be manly with the men.
It made me feel slightly happy today to know that I'm still on your mind.
Even if it is bothering you, at least you haven't forgotten me.
Just being with them makes me happy.
It just goes to show that I have actually matured.
Like, before, I would be dependant on a relationship to make me truly happy. Don't get me wrong, I love being in a relationship. All the lovey dovey stuff makes me feel wanted and special for once.
I realise I can have this feeling with my friends. Minus the lovey stuff.
That's all I need at the moment.
Gonna wait a while I think.
Just have fun. Be girly with the girls. Be manly with the men.
It made me feel slightly happy today to know that I'm still on your mind.
Even if it is bothering you, at least you haven't forgotten me.
If I could be who you wanted.
This weekend has been.. eventful. xD
Friday, I went to Bar Form for the first time. Never actually thought I would get in but I did. That was fun. If you go to Bar Form, expect like twenty people asking you for a lighter. Lighter's apparently don't exist to people who smoke in Bar Form.
Anyway, had a few drinks then bopped home.
Saturdayy.. I spent with none other than Jack. Oh, and Adam and Hasan. That was fun! We played Zelda, listened to Morrissey and watched 'Jay and Silent Bob strike back.' xD
So the usual really!
Sunday, I had to wake up at a reasonable time to make my way home and shower before band practice.
Band practice was very...inspired ;)
We went through the usual songs and made a setlist for our upcoming gig at the All Saints in Barnet this Saturday.
Started some recording again too. Expect a song finished sometime in the near future!
After band practice, I made my way to Shaunie's house. Gill and Luke were there too.
Of course when I turned up, I knew there was going to be alcohol involved.
Not that I was complaining! At least they were drinking something else and not just vodka.
Tequila is some good stuff. I didn't realise how immune I was to the burning taste of Mexico's finest.
I stayed round that night and made my way to college the next day. I was so tired man. Not even funny.
I met Shaunie and Gill after I finished and we went to Petch's house. Was pretty standard. Petch has a REALLY nice house! And I had a little snoop around the spare room, being the nosy bastard I am xD
So glad I have the day off today, needed the sleep. I am currently awaiting for Gill to pick up her phone so I know when her and Shaunie are coming here.
Until then, I'm gonna eat and wash.
Sound like a plan? I think so. :)
Wednesday, 17 March 2010
I could float here forever. In this room we can't touch the floor.
Not alot to say at this moment in time unfortunately.
I've been in one of those un-productive moods for like a full blown week.
But just to keep you updated; I'm alive.
I'll probably write some more pointless blog entries about my days soon.
Probably after I tidy my room.
I always seem to get a good vibe of creativity and good moods when I know I've accomplished the task of tidying my room. x]
On a separate note, Shaunie's "suprise" party was rather awesome xD
Didn't get too drunk, wasn't that well to begin with. So I didn't really want to make it worse.
I saw Luke smoke and drink for like the first time EVER.
It was really funny.
And he was really smart for mixing drinks!
Normally, people would mix some drinks like beer and cider, right?
Well not Luke!
(all measurements are to estimate)
Of course by the end of the night he spewed.
Like everywhere.
It stunk of cheese.
Bad cheese.
Or good cheese to some people.
We all stayed at Shaunie's and watched Blades of Glory and Dodgeball.
And also to drink another bottle of gin to our alcohol CV.
I fell asleep pretty quick. But woke up a few times pretty easily due to Luke throwing up several times in the toilet.
Woke up the next day feeling more ill, had a mega sore throat.
No way was I was going to band practice that day.
Still kinda recovering from that tbh.
But I'm surviving.
Like I said, I'm not dead.
Wednesday, 10 March 2010
Do you hate me, Jesus?
I promised myself I wouldn't moan about my love troubles and relationship problems on here.
But I need somewhere to write don't I?
Better out than in I guess.
I've basically unintentionally hurt the girl I love.
Not gonna go too into it. There's so much detail.
The worst part is, she's lost all trust for me.
And she won't believe I love her.
(Before people assume this, I did not cheat on her. It's just an unfortunate turn of events.)
Maybe, given time, I can be forgiven.
I hope so.
I really hate the thought of losing her.
I hate the thought of knowing she's no longer my other half.
I hate the thought that none of this was meant to happen.
In a way, I hate myself for letting it happen.
I apologise to everyone for this extremely emotional post.
Just needed to let it out.
Tuesday, 9 March 2010
She looks like the real thing. She tastes like the real thing.
Today was really cool. I wanted to spend some of my birthday money and Jack kindly came along with me to Camden.
Jack needed to sell a few goods to computer exchange before we departed. He had around 10 items to sell, all ranging from DVD's to Games to a Blu Ray controller. But for some reason, it took around a good half an hour for the guy to ring it all up and give Jack a payment. He got around £74, which isn't all that bad!
We ventured to Camden town and went to Burger King. I know, I am actually dieting at the moment, that's why I'm being SUPER strict for the next few days. A chicken royale can't be that bad, right?
It probably is >.>
So anyway, after my meal of SIN, me and Jack lurked about the Camden Marketplace. I found this really nice coat for £45, but I thought I'd have a better look around first.
We looked almost everywhere for a nice coat, so we came back to the guy and I hassled the price of the coat down to £29 :D
I'm a bit of a Jew. ;)
After that, we made our way to Oxford street.
Jack wanted to buy some better 'going out clothes' so we went to Topman and H&M.
Unfortunately, he didn't find anything he liked enough so he's saving the money.
We went to Soho again. Haha!
Only strolled through though. Didn't go in any of the sex shops. x]
Then we thought it would be awesome if we went to Hamley's and release the inner child within us. We got lost so I pretended to be a tourist and asked a couple for directions there.
It seems to work better because people get the sense of sympathy for a lost tourist.
On our way there, we came across what seemed to be an simple sweet shop. When we got in there, It was absolutely HUGE! It has to be the poshest shop I have ever been in.
I honestly expected to hear like violins an stuff over the intercom.
I saw a jar of marmalade that was ten quid.
I'd rather buy a normal jar of marmalade and shove it up my arse than buy that.
I guess if I was stinking rich, I'd buy it just coz I could.
We got to Hamley's and observed the awesome toys and such. We seemed to be more fascinated by the replica Harry Potter wands. xD
I was in awe when I saw a 10 carat replica of the ring from the Lord of the Rings.
I guess that proves how much of a geek I am..
I've had 'Fake Plastic Trees' on repeat all day.
I'm honestly in love with this song at the moment.
I'll probably get bored of it eventually and move on to another song.
Sunday, 7 March 2010
He doesn't look a thing like Jesus..

Well! Where to begin really!
I am now officially seventeen years old! Not a great age, but I can start learning to drive soon so that's cool.
I celebrated my birthday this year with the best people ever. My friends. Honestly. I really don't know where I'd be without them. They are a lovely bunch. :)
I started my day by waking up at reasonable time. Purely because I thought Shaunie and Gill where arriving at my house for around 12. I don't think they arrived until around 2? But that doesn't matter. What DOES matter is the fact that Shaunie and Gill had made me a birthday cake with a picture of an owl on it! The look on my face was indescribable! I could of burst into tears of happiness! But we'll get to the eating of the cake later.
We made our way to town and met up with Petch. Then we generally bummed around town until it was time for Nando's.
We discovered that above the sweet shop in Enfield Town, there was a tea room! Shaunie was literally so excited. She was really enjoying every little detail in there. We couldn't sit in a tea room and not drink tea could we? So I bought everyone a cup of tea.
Petch seemed to enjoy the milk more than the tea. Haha!
Our friends Heather and Liam work in this sweet shop also. Heather served us our tea, and when we were finished, she gave us our bill. I opened up the bill, and it read; " 4 teas, £4.
Happy Birthday for tomorrow, Eddie!
-From Liam and Heather :)
Honestly, that unexpected sign of kindness warmed my heart to the core and I felt so happy.
I feel like I could of wept! xD
Well, moving on. Before our meal, we all headed back to my house because I needed to get some money. And also I very charitably gave away some old, unwanted t-shirts, boxers and jumpers to Shaunie, Gill and Petch. xD
James and Kieran were at James' house so we went and met them at the bus stop to go to town.
When we were done with that, we made our way to the awesome eatery called none other than the almighty Nando's!
Jack, Chris and Tyler had been waiting in 'The George' for us to arrive and we booked our table.
Even waiting for the food was fun! We passed around a metal pole thing with our mouths. Kind of like pass the parcel, but without the parcel.
James captured some pretty good moments on his camera too.
The food was heavenly. I was really hungry anyway so I wolfed it down pretty quick. Then Tyler and Jack convinced the restaurant staff to sing Happy Birthday to me. Which triggered a chain reaction of the surrounding tables to sing Happy Birthday too.
Then it was time to cut the cake!
I was kind of sad cutting such an awesome piece of bakery, but in the end it was delicious.
Me and Shaunie cut it together as a newlywed couple would cut a wedding cake xD
When we had finished in Nando's, we stood outside and met up with Luke. And then Tim strolled along! I was really pleasantly surprised t see so many of my friends that night!
We asked him what he was up to, and he said he was on his way to the Hop Poles to see a free local gig.
We thought we might as well bop along because it's free and it's down the road from my house. The gig was fun, Petch and Shaunie made me look like a twat in front of everyone by making me dance to the cover songs the band was playing. But I had a lot of fun.
Afterwards, I managed to convince my mum to let Shaunie, Gill, Petch, James and Kieran to stay. It worked! Everyone got to sleep. Eventually.
And the actual day of my birthday was more slow paced than leading up to it. We all woke up, had some tea, I opened a few cards. I got some money and an ipod dock!
I'm using it now to listen to Morrissey.
Band practice was good also. We got the new song finished and it's sounding good. I'm really proud the way the band has progressed musically.
But anyway, I'm droning on.
This is a big post to make up for me not posting yesterday.
There are some moments I forgot to mention, but those were the ones the stood out most.
Friday, 5 March 2010
You will lead us to the black gate.
Again, another disappointing day.
On the way back from college I got the wrong train. I went all the way to fucking Tottenham Hale.
I decided to get a 192 bus because I figured it might be quicker, it still took around 2 and a half hours to get back.
Because I got back quite late, me and Sian decided to give the cinema today a miss, which sucks, but we're going again on Sunday.
I decided to join along with Jack and Chris down the pub. All was well for a while! I bought a drink, Drank it, and then I decided to order another. I got ID'd then I was asked to leave :/
But whatever, I bought some beers and now I'm watching 'Lord of the Rings: Two Towers'.
Lord of the Rings makes me happy :)
It is to my understanding that Gill and Shaunie are coming to my house tomorrow to give me a birthday present. I'm quite excited because I have no idea what it is yet xD
Tomorrow is going to be good. I can tell. Just being with my friends is gonna be awesome.
And also I haven't been Nando's in fucking ages.
Thursday, 4 March 2010
Follow the Siren's song.
Not much to write about today, Or yesterday even. Weather was okay to begin with so I decided to be brave and go out in a t-shirt, jeans and shirt. But then it got cold. Very, very cold.
Me and Gill finally did what I promised her since we first met. We went shoe shopping. I didn't buy any shoes then but we looked and tried some on. And I dyed my hair.
So yeah pretty boring stuff.
My song for the week is currently 'It's Hard to Speak without a Tongue' by Parkway Drive.
I'm watching Rocky Horror Picture show as I write this but I'm already starting to feel very sleepy so I should probably re-watch this another time.
Wednesday, 3 March 2010
Hello there, Mr Owl!
Well, today was a bit of a disappointment. I wake up to see the sunshine had vanished and it's still winter temperatures! Standing waiting for a train to college was horrible, it was really cold and the train was delayed.
But anyways, I got to college, had first lesson and went to break.
I had Fine Art next, which was cool because I enjoy Fine Art and I had fun drawing an owl with aristocratic features. Haha!
When suddenly, someone in my class mentions that there are owls in the canteen! Obviously, my ears perked up almost instantly, and I asked if this where true. Turns out it was! There where around 4-5 different owls sitting there on display with a special Bird Exhibition! The look of joy on my face and the excitement in my eyes was painfully apparent to my college friends. I have a few pictures of me holding a Snow White Barn Owl. And even though in most of them I look godawful, I'm listing them below.
The breeds of owl that where in the canteen where; One Barn Owl, 2 Eurasian Eagle Owls and one baby Owl! It was so adorable I wanted to put it in my pocket and take it home!
Oh, and also I'm posting the picture of the Aristocratic owl I drew in fine art too :)
Overall, this was the highlight of my week so far! Still have the weekend to look forward to! :D
Tuesday, 2 March 2010
The result of my creative mind orgy.
I'm not usually good at writing lyrics for songs.
But On Saturday night/Sunday morning I had a breakthrough.
It is a bit cheesy and lame in some parts but hey, it's not too bad right?
Well it's for you to decide anyway.
It hides our cheeks and shades our eyes,
This debt we pay to human guile,
With torn and bleeding hearts we smile.
Finding life in an empty heart,
Will immerse your thoughts and break apart,
Deceiving the living and aiding the dead,
Insanity reigns and rivers run red,
Pain is temporary,
But glory is eternal,
Fighting for home,
From a smouldering inferno.
We wear the mask that grins and lies,
It hides our cheeks and shades our eyes,
This debt we pay to human guile,
With torn and bleeding hearts we smile.
Staring up into the darkened sky,
This world could disappear in a blink of an eye,
Gather your might and take sword in hand,
To defend from great evil,
And save your home land.
Restless souls wander where they don't belong..
We wear the mask that grins and lies,
It hides our cheeks and shades our eyes,
This debt we pay to human guile,
With torn and bleeding hearts we smile.
Oh and by the way, if your a geek like me, you may or may not have noticed that this is loosely based on the game; "The Legend of Zelda, Majora's Mask."
It's nerdy, I know. But Zelda games really do have that much of an impact on my life.
My 17th Spring.
I woke up today after one of the best night's sleep I've had in a long time to be pleasantly surprised by the warm and sunny weather!
So naturally, I took advantage of the weather and went to Hilly fields with my good friend James.
In the sunlight, the temperature was quite warm and cosy, however stepping into the shadows is quite chilly.
So yeah, nothing special occured, just observed the blossoming flowers of spring time and the clear blue skies.
My expectation's for this year's spring are high. Not only because I'm sick of Winter, but also because Spring is my favourite time of year.
My outlook for the week is optimistic and with a hint of excitement. The reason for this is because Friday I'm going to the cinema with Sian to see the new version of Alice in Wonderland! I'm mainly looking forward to seeing Sian than to the actual film, but it does look visually appealing and entertaining.
I'll probably do my own little review on the film on here afterwards.
Oh, and also Sunday is my 17th birthday! Saturday I'm spending with some friends to celebrate because I have a band practice on my birthday in the evening. I shouldn't really complain because we have a gig a few days after, but also because I'm really eager to finish the new song and to see how it turns out!
That's all for today. Quite pleased with my first blog, and it's the first of many!
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